Contact Us
For resources from past presbytery meetings please refer to the Resources Page.
a. Generate is blessed to be funded by our member congregations as part of the wider Synod and Presbyteries Funding Model.
b. What Congregations need to know
i. Each congregation contributes 10% of its income to the Mission and Services Fund. 6% goes to funding the work of the synod including property, finance, mission resourcing and college. 4% of your 10% contribution goes into a pool to fund the presbyteries. This is divided according to the number of congregations in each presbytery.
ii. Each presbytery then asks a specific contribution directly from their congregations. All three presbyteries have chosen 2%. In Generate that 2% is capped at a maximum of $8000 for any individual congregation.
iii. The Synod finance team process all M&SF and Presbytery contributions on behalf of the presbyteries. The have provided a form to congregational treasurers to use to help calculate these amounts. This form needs to be returned to the Synod Finance Team annually so that direct debit may be set up.
iv. For a copy of the form please contact Martyn Smith at
c. Want to give an individual gift?
i. If you are interested in financially supporting Generate Presbytery please contact Martyn Smith at to discuss.
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